Vol. 9 No. 1 (2023): April 2023
April 2023

Jurnal Kesehatan Manarang is a national online journal that publishes research results on the health sector, including nutrition, environmental health, nursing, midwifery and public health research. This journal is published by the Research and Community Service Unit, Mamuju Health Polytechnic, Indonesia. Jurnal Kesehatan Manarang ISSN: 2443-3861 (Print), ISSN: 2528-5602 (Online). This journal has collaborated with Association of Indonesian Public Health Experts. Jurnal Kesehatan Manarang is published every April, August and December every year and has been accredited Sinta 2 Based on SK Kemristekdikti No. 72/E/KTP/2024. 


Agus Hendra Al Rahmad
1 - 13
Scoping Review: The Role of Micronutrients (Fe, Zn, Iodine, Retinol, Folate) During Pregnancy
Abstract views: 818 times | PDF downloaded: 97 times | Published: 2023-04-06
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Aditia Putri, Dumilah Ayuningtyas
14 - 25
Home Visit as A Strategy to Increase Access to Primary Health Care: A Scoping Review
Abstract views: 343 times | PDF downloaded: 97 times | Published: 2023-04-10
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Ajeng Dian Pertiwi, Musparlin Halid
26 - 33
Effectiveness of Wresah (Amomum Dealbatum) Extract in Inhibiting the Growth of Staphylococcus Aureus
Abstract views: 372 times | PDF downloaded: 97 times | Published: 2023-04-11
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Asriadi Masnar, Firdania Octaviany Hidayah, Isma Ar Rachmah, Nurbaya Nurbaya
34 - 41
Combating Excessive Food Consumption Through Augmented Reality Packaging: An Explorative Study of Generation Z
Abstract views: 429 times | PDF downloaded: 97 times | Published: 2023-04-16
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Hani Nur Anggraeni, Trisna Vitaliati, Hendra Dwi Cahyono
42 - 51
The Effect of Buerger Allen Exercise on Perfusion of Peripheral Tissues in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus: Literature Reviews
Abstract views: 817 times | PDF downloaded: 97 times | Published: 2023-04-29
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Ajeng Hayuning Tiyas, Erna Amin, Yulianti Anwar, Tenny Tarnoto
52 - 65
Organizational Barriers in Reducing Unmet Need for Family Planning in Mamuju District
Abstract views: 312 times | PDF downloaded: 97 times | Published: 2023-04-29
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Beauty Octavia Mahardany, Rizky Febriyanti Supriadi
66 - 73
Relationship Between Mother's Characteristics and Husband's Support with the Use of Post-Partum Family Planning in Mamuju District
Abstract views: 351 times | PDF downloaded: 97 times | Published: 2023-04-30
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