Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): Januari 2024
Januari 2024

Jurnal Kebidanan Malakbi is a national online journal containing scientific articles related to the field of obstetrics including: Pre-conception, Pregnancy, Childbirth, Newborns, Neonates, Infants and Toddlers, Postpartum Period, Adolescent Health, Family Planning, Reproductive Health, Community Midwifery, and Maternal and Neonatal Emergencies. Jurnal Kebidanan Malakbi was first published in January 2020. This journal is published twice a year, in January and August and has been accredited Sinta 4 based SK Kemenristekdikti No.164/E/KPT/2021. This journal is published by the Sub Unit of the Center for Research and Community Service, Department of Midwifery, Health Polytechnic, Ministry of Health, Mamuju, Indonesia. Jurnal Kebidanan Malakbi has an ISSN: 2720-8842 (Online). This journal collaborates with the Central Management of the Indonesian Midwives Association (IBI) Professional Organization.


Lidia Lushinta, Fara Imelda Theresia Patty, Eliza Anggraini, Rosalin Ariefah Putri
1 - 8
Dukungan Keluarga Mempengaruhi Kelengkapan Imunisasi Dasar Pada Bayi dan Balita
Abstract views: 434 times | PDF downloaded: 64 times | Published: 2024-01-30
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Yashinta Kumala Dewi, Ririn Handayani, Ernawati Anggraeni
9 - 15
Sari Kedelai Kurma Meningkatkan Kadar Hemoglobin Pada Remaja Putri
Abstract views: 386 times | PDF downloaded: 64 times | Published: 2024-01-31
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Rosalin Ariefah Putri, Heni Suryani, Rezki Puspitaningsih
16 - 22
Pemberian Akupresure dan Aromatherapy Fennel Oil Terhadap Peningkatan Produksi ASI
Abstract views: 263 times | PDF downloaded: 64 times | Published: 2024-01-31
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Afifah Rahmawati, Joko Sapto Pramono, Heni Suryani
23 - 29
Pemberian Nugget Tahu Daun Kelor Berpengaruh Terhadap Kenaikan Berat Badan Balita
Abstract views: 832 times | PDF downloaded: 64 times | Published: 2024-01-31
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Wahida Yuliana, Retno Hastri R.R., Bawon Nul Hakim
30 - 36
Efektifitas Kelas Online Calon Ibu Terhadap Waktu Pencapaian Adaptasi Psikologis (Letting Go) pada Ibu Postpartum
Abstract views: 414 times | PDF downloaded: 64 times | Published: 2024-01-31
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Idayati idayati, Erna Amin, Sastrariah sastrariah, Wahida Wahida; Nurdiana Nurdiana, Fitri Cicilia
37 - 47
Waktu Mulai, Durasi IMD dan Keberhasilan ASI Eksklusif
Abstract views: 565 times | PDF downloaded: 64 times | Published: 2024-01-31
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Sintia Diana Pratiwi, Yuyun Triani
48 - 56
Pemberian Buah Kurma Meningkatkan Kadar Hemoglobin pada Ibu Hamil
Abstract views: 964 times | PDF downloaded: 64 times | Published: 2024-01-31
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Ayu Fuzi Lestari, Yuliana Yuliana, Salmah Amaliyah, Widya Putriastuti, Ryka Juaeriah
57 - 65
Pengaruh Senam Tera Terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Ibu Hamil Trimester III Menghadapi Persalinan
Abstract views: 591 times | PDF downloaded: 64 times | Published: 2024-01-31