Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Agustus 2022
Agustus 2022

Jurnal Kebidanan Malakbi is a national online journal containing scientific articles related to the field of obstetrics including: Pre-conception, Pregnancy, Childbirth, Newborns, Neonates, Infants and Toddlers, Postpartum Period, Adolescent Health, Family Planning, Reproductive Health, Community Midwifery, and Maternal and Neonatal Emergencies. Jurnal Kebidanan Malakbi was first published in January 2020. This journal is published twice a year, in January and August and has been accredited Sinta 4 based SK Kemenristekdikti No.164/E/KPT/2021. This journal is published by the Sub Unit of the Center for Research and Community Service, Department of Midwifery, Health Polytechnic, Ministry of Health, Mamuju, Indonesia. Jurnal Kebidanan Malakbi has an ISSN: 2720-8842 (Online). This journal collaborates with the Central Management of the Indonesian Midwives Association (IBI) Professional Organization.


Chairunnisa Minarni Alamsyah, Feny Kusumadewi, Restu Octasila
Media Edukasi Tumbuh Kembang Bayi 0 – 12 Bulan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tangerang Selatan
Abstract views: 627 times | PDF downloaded: 38 times | Published: 2022-08-15
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Diah Ely Permata Sari, Sulistyaningsih Sulistyaningsih
Stimulasi Tumbuh Kembang Pada Anak Balita dengan Sosial Ekonomi Rendah Selama Pandemi Covid-19 : A Scoping Review
Abstract views: 476 times | PDF downloaded: 38 times | Published: 2022-08-31
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Kadek Sri Ariyanti, Made Dewi Sariyani, Rini Winangsih
Terapi Non Farmakologis untuk Mengurangi Nyeri Haid pada Remaja di Tabanan
Abstract views: 614 times | PDF downloaded: 38 times | Published: 2022-08-31
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Titin Rustiningsih, Fransisca Retno Asih, Solihin Solihin
Prenatal Yoga Menurunkan Keluhan Nyeri Punggung Bawah pada Ibu Hamil
Abstract views: 583 times | PDF downloaded: 38 times | Published: 2022-08-31
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Nanda Norisa, Aida Fitriani, Asriah Asriah, Novemi Novemi
Hubungan Pengetahuan dan Sikap Ibu Perimenopause Terhadap Kesiapan Menghadapi Menopause
Abstract views: 1386 times | PDF downloaded: 38 times | Published: 2022-08-31
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Yulianti Anwar, Veni Hadju, Samrichard Rambulangi, Nih Luh Putu Herli Mastuti
Faktor-Faktor Penyebab Remaja Putus Sekolah Usia 12 - 18 Tahun di Polobangkeng Utara, Kabupaten Takalar
Abstract views: 264 times | PDF downloaded: 38 times | Published: 2022-08-31
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