Environmental sanitation is an effort to achieve a healthy environment through controlling physical environmental factors, especially things that have a detrimental impact on physical health development and human survival. The purpose of this study was to determine the type of this research is descriptive in nature by using quantitative data through a cross sectional approach which aims to determine the description of environmental sanitation for stunting toddlers in the village of Pasa'bu Tapalang Barat. This research will be conducted in Pasa'bu Village, West Tapalang District, Mamuju Regency. Sampling was done by random sampling, which provides equal opportunity for the population to be selected as the sample in this study. Based on the results of the research conducted, it was found that 5 respondents (25%) had boiled drinking water and suffered from stunting and 56 respondents (53.3%) had stunted drinking water. Respondents who defecate in the toilet and suffer from stunting are 59 people (48%) and respondents who defecate on the beach and suffer from stunting are 2 people (100%). Respondents who had puddles at SPAL and suffered from stunting were 32 people (84.2%) and Respondents who did not have puddles at SPAL and suffered from stunting were 29 people (33.3%). Respondents who burned their trash and suffered from stunting were 8 people (29.7%) and respondents who threw their garbage carelessly and suffered from stunting were 53 people (54.1%). Conclusion: respondents whose environmental sanitation does not meet the requirements have a higher percentage of stunting events than respondents whose environmental sanitation meets the requirements.