The Ministry of Health of Republic of Indonesia stated that in 2018 there were 73,5% of Food Processing Place that Not Eligible. According to Tanjungpinang’s health profile in 2021 it states that 61% of Food Processing Places Not Eligible. The purpose of this study was to determine the sanitary hygiene of coffee shops in the Sei Jang Village, Tanjungpinang City in 2023. The type of research is obaservational with descriptive analysis and a qualitative design. The method of collecting data was by observation use a checklist sheet and laboratory examinations at Tanjungpinang Health Polytechnic. The location and time of the research was carried out at a coffe shop in Sei Jang Village and a laboratory and was carried out from February to June 2023. The population and samples in this research were 25 populations and samples from entire population. The results of this study are based on the Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 1096/MENKES/PER/VI/2011 with the results of Location and Building 96% Eligible, Sanitation Facilities 92% Not Eligible, Equipment 72% Eligible, Employee 100% Not Eligible and Germ Contamination 100% Not Eligible. The highest germ contamination in drinkring equipment is >350 colonies. For coffee shops, it is hoped that they can maintain and improve sanitation hygiene and for community health center can carry out routine the high risk category out twice a year, the medium risk is carried out once a year, and the low risk is carried out every two yearsb to the coffee shops.